Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We went to breakfast this morning at Mimi's Cafe. When we were being seated at a table, I asked if we could have a booth. I was told that they can't put a highchair at a booth for safety reasons. These are not those high off the ground booths. I thought that was odd and let the hostess know that. Okay, so why can they not put a highchair at a booth BUT THEY CAN PUT A BABYSLING???? WTF? I almost caused a scene...but opted against it! People...don't mess with me these days...I really am not capable of holding too much back.

Then, as we were on our way home, I gave JT's dr a call just to be on the safe side with the quarter issue. I of course got the service and told them the story and I said he seems fine, but I wasn't sure if we needed to do anything. The reply was "This is just the answering service. The office isn't open. If you think it is an emergency I can page a dr." Ummm. duh shit. So I reply "yes, I know you are the service and the office is not open. I think I need to consult with a dr. hence the purpose of this phone call." Seriously, twice in one day...and people I don't even know!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

LOL....You so sound like me! People annoy the poo out of me!