Monday, June 2, 2008

Thrill Seeker...Scarred For Life

JT is spending this week with his grandparents. His Aunt Mary wanted to spend some quality time with him, so she decided to take him to Six Flags today. I know they had a great time, but he may never be the same again. Yes, friends, my little boy went on his first "BIG" boy roller coaster today. And I do mean is called the "Mind Bender" and it has 3 loops! WTF??? I was at least in high school before I ever got on a ride like this. JT of course thought it was a wonderful idea while watching it and eagerly jumped into the seat, but Mary said as it 'click, click, clicked' its way to the top, he had changed his mind. Surprisingly, he did not cry. He did tell Mary that his belly hurt when they got off! I cannot wait to see him and have him recount this! Oh, and he wouldn't go on anymore rides after that!! Not even for a ride on Thomas the Train! He did have a blast playing games and playing in the water! Thank you Mary for spending this time with him! We love you!

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