Monday, June 9, 2008

Words from Yo Momma

I have been experiencing quite a bit of *rage* lately. I tend to voice it while driving (apparently). Although I had not voiced it today, JT was repeatedly saying in the car today "Watch it moeRONT!" I almost peed my pants! For those that need translation, that is 'moron'. Ahem.


Jen said...

I found your site through Kelly Ackley and you kill me!!! I have only read some of these and I am cracking up. I think if you lived here in TX you and I would drive around cussing people out for fun.

Thanks for making me laugh so hard.


Julie said...

Well Jen, that is my pleasure! I hope I don't offend...and if I do, I guess that is a good reason not to read! Welcome...and I would gladly ride around with you a cuss at people...sounds like a good time!