Thursday, September 18, 2008


Darrell slept in a little this morning. I heard him in the kitchen packing his lunch and I heard him get JT's chocolate milk and turn on Franklin for him. He happened to still be here when my alarm went off, so he came in to kiss me good morning, which turned into some morning nookie. He quickly went and closed and locked our bedroom door......
Once he opened the door again this is what I heard

JT: Daddy, did you have fun in your bedroom with mommy?
Darrell: Uhhhhhhh, no?
Me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
Darrell: I guess we can't do that anymore.
Me: Why not?

I love that freakin' kid!!!!


Amy said...

we call that "having a date" in our house!! :) :)

Kelly said... guys are brave!