Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Money For Nothin'....

and Shit fo' free!!
This is a sign on the side of the road on near my house. It appears that Sharpies are not equipped with spell check. Just so you know, I got the idea to take this picture when I saw someone else pulled over on the side of the road taking one. I love a good laugh!


Kim said...

WHAT THE HELL?! Too freaking funny. I so want you to call and inquire about their manue.

Julie said...

Mary,you should call!!!

Unknown said...

Mystery solved...I called about the free shit and discovered why it was misspelled. Once I was greeted on the phone, I knew. Are you thinking it is some hillbilly that doesn't know manure from manicure? Wrong...let's just say the people that posted this sign are not from the south. My guess would be New Jersey by the accent. Give them a call and see what you think. FYI...if you do want the manure...call ahead, bring your own truck and shovel.

Kim said...

I am cracking up here. . . I cannot explain how much I LOVE that Mary called about the manue! I seriously almost just shot some Diet Coke out my nose I'm laughing so hard.

Amy said...

fuckin yankees! LOL

*comment not directed toward kim in any way*

Julie said...

OMG Mary!!! I love you so much!! That is freaking hysterical! Try to work on some of the other scenarios tomorrow...like, "how much manue will fit in my jaguar?"