Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bargain Shopper

I never really used to look at food ads at different stores and then plan a shopping list. I still don't price match at Wal-Mart, which I should. But recently, I have gotten into looking at the weekly Kroger and Publx ads and paying special attention to sale prices and price per ounce. So I saw where Kroger is doing a mix or match sale and went in yesterday to take advantage. They had Dole fruit cups (4pk) 2 for $4, which I thought was a good deal, so I got 3 packs. They also had some Motts organic applesauce on closeout for $1.42 for a 4pk, because it expires at the end of this month. The original price was $2.85. I purchase said items and then go to Publix. They had the Dole fruit cups BOGO. I was mad that I had already bought them, but I didn't want to buy them again. When I got in the car I started to examine the Kroger receipt and realized that I had been charged $2.85 for the applesauce, which I bought 2 packs of. I normally don't pay this close attention, but I will from now on. I was still mad about the Dole fruit too, so I decided to bring the items back to Kroger this morning. I went to CUSTOMER SERVICE and the first thing I asked was "Do you price match?" What in the hell do you think the response was?? I certainly didn't expect "Not that I know of." Um, excuse me, not that you know of. You are working in customer service aren't you? If you don't know then who the hell does? So I told dimwit that I wanted to return the fruit and that the applesauce was on closeout, but scanned incorrectly. She actually had to go check the shelf, which really perturbed I would drag my bag of food, my baby and myself back in there for nothing. Long story longer, I got $11 back and got to keep the applesauce because you get an item for free if it scans incorrectly. But I am still shit out of luck on some packs of fruit because the Publix sale ended yesterday. But that's ok....I'm watching you!!!!

On an only interesting to me note, I did take advantage of Harris Teeter triple coupons last weekend and saved over $50 with just the coupons I had alone. I seriously keep staring at the receipt because it makes me so happy. Why God, why??


Unknown said...

Give 'em hell! You have been taking notes while the 'Master of Bitch' has been dishing it out all these years...great job! And you remembered the most important part...always get something for free for your trouble...awesome!

Tiffany said...

Sorry you got a dud in the customer service department! Oh by the way I'm Christina's friend - she suggested I read your blog cause it's funny! I think she's right.

Amy said...

ok, as i'm reading this post, i look over to the side of your blog. this is the add that was posted at the time.

Tranzliate this Shiznit to Jive!

Click the Spinn'n Rim Beotch! -- Created by 2 high school students to kick myspace's ass

Add the Tranzizzle-ata' to Your Site!

Julie said...

Welcome Tiffany...and thanks!

Julie said...

Amy, did you click on it?