Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh what fun!

We had a nice weekend! We all went to a campfire at a nearby park on Friday night. It was fun, however, it was a mile hike to the fire (and therefore a mile back). We had smores and sang songs and guessed at riddles. It was fun, but while we were there, Daddio got a bad tummy and had to go to the bathroom. So, he pretty much missed all of the fun.

Saturday was JT's first day at soccer. He is in a program called Ripples, which is basically an introduction to soccer. It is for 3 and 4 yr. olds. He did well...I had no idea he could run and kick the ball at the same time. I was very proud of him. Unfortunately, Daddio had to go into work Friday night and couldn't make it. He was very disappointed, but it wasn't a game and JT didn't even notice (this time).

Sunday we went to Henry's 3rd birthday party. It was at Chuck E. Cheese's. I always like going there because JT has so much fun. Not to mention, the pizza is really good and I can get an endless supply of diet coke.

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