Monday, April 21, 2008

The Y

I've finally started going back to the Y thanks to Kim. I went to an interval training class on Thursday that I really enjoyed and I plan to do that every T/TH. Darrell and I went to a core and flow class on Fri., which is a combination of pilates and yoga. We both really enjoyed it. There is a group power lift class that takes place after this one that I plan on trying this week. Kim and I met today and walked on the track. I then did a Zumba class. It was very interesting...a lot of mambo and chacha steps. There were a lot of older ladies in there...and it very much reminded me of a hip hop class. That makes for a very funny combination. I had to leave the class early though, the nursery came and got me because Lily June had been crying and wouldn't settle down. This was right in the middle of her naptime and she gets MAD when she is tired!!! Just like her mommy! I am enjoying the Y and I hope I can keep it up!


Christina said...

I want to try Zumba. I did a spinning class the other day and let's just say my ass/crotch hurt like a motha!!!

Julie said...

More power to you Christina for doing a spinning class! That is something I have never done or will do...that is HARD!