Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To Single Parents

Bless.Your.Heart. I don't know how you do it. Making up for Darrell's slack while he is out of commission is wiping me out. Plus, I have to take care of him too. There is a reason why I don't have 3 children. Two is P.L.E.N.T.Y. for me! And now I have a 3rd, an almost 35 year-old, who listens and communicates worse than our 15 month old. At least when the little ones need or want something, they ask or cry or whatever....and when they don't want something they yell, or cry. I am wiped out. I hate giving kids a bath. I am tired of being a chauffeur (this really doesn't have anything to do with Darrell). Darrell really does a lot around here, things that I don't think about, or usually don't HAVE to think about. I really appreciate what a great husband and father he is!!! Now, he just needs to get that damn shoulder better (yesterday) so we can get on with our NORMAL lives (whatever that is)!

Anyway, after that rant, I admire all you single parents. Being a parent is hard work. Period.

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